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Date US Bond Index  Russell All Cap Index  Global All Cap Equity ex-US Index  Inflation Protected Bond Index
8/2/21 16.38 62.52 15.52 17.02
8/3/21 16.38 62.97 15.51 17.04
8/4/21 16.38 62.67 15.55 17.00
8/5/21 16.34 63.12 15.58 16.94
8/6/21 16.26 63.20 15.49 16.90
8/9/21 16.24 63.15 15.49 16.88
8/10/21 16.21 63.18 15.53 16.89
8/11/21 16.22 63.33 15.59 16.92
8/12/21 16.21 63.51 15.57 16.90
8/13/21 16.28 63.54 15.61 16.95
8/16/21 16.30 63.58 15.50 16.97
8/17/21 16.28 63.11 15.36 16.92
8/18/21 16.29 62.48 15.33 16.92
8/19/21 16.31 62.45 15.12 16.93
8/20/21 16.31 63.01 15.13 16.88
8/23/21 16.31 63.63 15.29 16.92
8/24/21 16.29 63.84 15.46 16.91
8/25/21 16.25 64.01 15.47 16.91
8/26/21 16.26 63.61 15.41 16.92
8/27/21 16.30 64.29 15.49 17.04
8/30/21 16.32 64.51 15.58 17.04
8/31/20 16.30 64.42 15.65 16.99
AugustTotal Returns
  -0.20% 2.86% 1.95% -0.18%


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