Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Fidelity Announces Portfolio Manager Appointments

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

Fidelity has announced the following portfolio manager appointments, effective November 1, 2009:

Fidelity Stock Selector Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Independence Fund

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Fund

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

For more information, see the Fidelity Window

Manager Change in the Diversified Small Company Option

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Buffalo Small Cap has been added to the Diversified Small Company Option with a 10% allocation. iShares Morningstar has been eliminated from the Diversified Small Company Option, and the allocation for BGI Small Company Index has been decreased from 30% to 25%

Recent Changes to the Directed Account Plan

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

The Directed Account Plan has made the following change to the options available to its participants:

  • Allocation Change: The International Stock Option was rebalanced to decrease the target allocation of Oppenheimer Intl. Small Co. to 8% and to increase the target allocation to Royce Global Value to 6%.

Minimum Required Distribution Q&A, letters to participants concerning MRDs

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Please review the following three documents on the topic of Minimum Required Distributions.  These documents were recently mailed out to our participants in an effort to communicate the new minimum required distribution changes.

Fidelity Window Fund News – Fidelity Announces Fund Name Changes

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Effective January 16, 2009, Fidelity Utilities Fund will also be renamed Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund.

The name chang is being made to better reflect the composition of the fund while continuing to differentiate its positioning.

Plan participants with balances in the fund will be notified of the change by email or regular mail.

Fidelity news about the suspension of minimum required distributions (MRDs) for 2009

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
  • Fidelity will “shut off” automatic generation of MRD payments in 2009.
  • Participants who have initiated systematic monthly withdraw payments (SWPs) to satisfy their annual MRD, will still receive their installment payments as scheduled. Participants who do not want to receive these payments will need to initiate the change.
  • Fidelity will inform affected participants about this 2009 MRD change and their options in February.

Fidelity Window Fund News – Fidelity Announces Fund Name Changes

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

Fidelity is announcing name changes for two funds:

The fund names are being changed to create more consistency across the equity fund product line. No change is indicated in each fund’s investment objective and strategy, or in fund management. Also, ticker symbols and CUSIP numbers will remain the same.

Plan participants with balances in wither fund will be notified of the name change by email or regular mail.

Fidelity Window Fund News – Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

Portfolio Manager Appointment

Fidelity is announcing the appointment of Nicholas Price as co-manager of Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund with existing manager Kenichi Mizushita, effective October 21, 2008. He will become sole manager on or about December 30, 2008. Price joined Fidelity in 1993, and since 1999, he has been managing funds investing in Japanese equities available exclusively to non-US investors.

Performance Benchmark Change

Effective on or about December 30, 2008, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund will change its benchmark from the Russell/Nomura Small Cap IndexTM to the Russell/Nomura Mid-Small Cap IndexTM. The new benchmark includes a broader universe of securities, representing approximately the bottom 50% of investable Japanese securities by market capitalization.  It is also one of the two indexes used to define the fund’s investment universe.

Fund Reopening

Also effective on or about December 30, 2008, the fund will reopen to new plans. It has been closed to new plans since February 2006.

Please click here for a fact sheet on this fund.

Manager Changes in September

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

The following manager changes took place in September 2008. In the Stable Value Option, the Dreyfus Govt. Money Market Fund was replaced with the Dreyfus Cash Management Fund. The Value Stock Option was rebalanced to decrease the target allocation of JP Morgan Large Cap Value from 20 percent to 15 percent. As a result, T. Rowe Price Value was increased from a 15 percent to 20 percent allocation. A new fund, Brown Capital Mgmt. Small Co. Instl. was added to the Diversified Small Co. Stock Option.  This new fund was given a 10 percent allocation in the option while iShares Morningstar Small Cap Growth Index was reduced from a 15 percent to 5 percent allocation. These recent manager changes are shown in the tables below:

Stable Value Option Managers Before Current
CD’s 5% 5%
Dreyfus Cash Management Fund 0% 10%
Dreyfus Govt. Money Market 10% 0%
Invesco Interest Income 45% 45%
Wellington Core Bonds – separately managed 40% 40%
Value Stock Option Managers Before Current
JP Morgan Large cap Value – Commingled Fund 20% 15%
Neuberger Berman Partenres (nbptx) 20% 20%
CGM Focus (cgmfx) 10% 10%
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Instl. (gsmcx) 15% 15%
T. Rowe Price Value (pavlx) 15% 20%
BGI Value Index – separately managed 20% 20%
Diversified Small Co. Stock Option Managers Before Current
Royce Opportunity (rypnx) 15% 15%
Dimensional US Micro Cap Portfolio (dfscx) 15% 15%
Third Avenue Small Cap Value (tascx) 15% 15%
Brown Capital Mgmt. Small Co. Instl. 0% 10%
Morgan Stanley US Small Cap Value Instl. (mpscx) 10% 10%
iShares Morningstar Small Growth Index (jkk) 15% 5%
BGI Small Company Index – separately managed 30% 30%

Manager Name Change

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

The Primco GIC fund, in the Stable Value Option, has changed its name to Invesco Interest Income Fund. There was also a name change in the Value Stock Option. The Morgan Value Strategy Fund’s name was changed to JP Morgan Large Cap Value Fund.

This is only a name change and the underlying management and investments remain the same with these two funds.